Accueil » Hulo’s vision » Governance
Hulo is a limited profit company legally established in France in 2021. Hulo is also a cooperative that belongs to its members and works towards the common objectives defined by member organisations.
Hulo is a multi-stakeholder organisation, and we believe that a diverse group of actors and points of views lead to innovative solutions for the humanitarian sector.
General assembly
The General Assembly is hulo’s highest decision-making body. It is composed of all hulo members divided into 4 categories of shareholders:
- Founding Humanitarian Organisations and/or Guarantors of the Cooperative Mission
- Hulo employees
- Beneficiary humanitarian organisations
- Partners
The principle of equity, at the heart of hulo’s activities, is assured through our principle of one person, one voice.
The Assembly meets at least once per year.
Supervisory board
Hulo’s Supervisory Board oversees the organisation’s mission, strategic direction, policies and fiscal integrity. Board members are elected by the General Assembly from hulo members. The Supervisory Board elects the hulo CEO and delegates to him/her the responsibility of implementing activities and leading the executive team.
Global Engagement Committee
Hulo’s Global Engagement Committee (GEC) is the link between governance and operations. It is made up of all representatives of member organizations and operations management. This active operational decision-making committee supports, guides and validates the implementation of hulo’s activities. It is also here that issues and impacts on the field are analysed and reported.